The description
OpendTect is a seismic interpretation Software system for the processing, visualization and interpretation of multi-volume seismic data and the development of creative interpretation tools. OpendTect is an open source seismic interpretation software package widely used in industry. OpendTect includes all the tools necessary for two-dimensional or three-dimensional seismic interpretation: two-dimensional and three-dimensional before and after the chimney, two-dimensional and three-dimensional visualization, horizons and fault detectors, analysis of features and intersections, spectral decomposition, depth conversion and more . An advanced and unique seismic interpretation workflow is possible using a closed-source plug-in available free to all universities. This workflow includes strategy-driven interpretation, analysis, route analysis, fluid contact determination, final and random rotation, and more.
OpendTect Features and Functionality:
- PetrelDirect Bilateral direct link to Petrel
- Thalweg Tracker is a unique seismic tracker for channel separation and other sedimentary features.
- PDF3D is a tool to save scenes in OpendTect and save them as an interactive PDF to share with others.
- The basemap interactively fills a three-dimensional scene, to launch a two-dimensional viewer and produce maps.
system required
– Windows (7/8/8.1/10)
– Intel/AMD processor, preferably 64-bit
– 8 GB of RAM (16-32 GB recommended)
– nVidia graphics cards (eg GeForce 5x-10x series); AMD may work (e.g. Radeon 6xxx and 7xxx series)
– Updated OpenGL drivers.
Installation guide
Install the program (installation of plugins is optional). After installation, copy and replace all contents of the OpendTect folder to the patch folder where the software was installed. Then run the auto_addfwrs.bat file copied to the software installation path. When done, navigate to the 6.2.0binwin64lm.dgb path and run the lmtools program; In the Config Service tab, select the service name equal to dgb and for the lmgrd, license and log values, select the corresponding files in the same folder. Check 2 Select Use service and start server on power-up and click Save. Then go to the Start/Stop/Reread tab and click on Start Server. Repeat these steps according to the Readme description for arkcls and sitfal (note that for each select the corresponding files that are in your folder).. Note that when using the program there may be a message If you don’t have no license, just close this. The application is ready to use.
Download link
Download dGB_Earth_Sciences_OpendTect_6.2.1_x64
File password(s):
738 MB